January 24, 2023
Maui is one of the world’s premier sailing destinations, and also one of the most beautiful. Whatever your SAILING preference or skill level, you’ll fi nd something suitable here. Single- hull, double-hulled and tri-hulled YACHTS AND CATAMARANS of all sizes…
January 24, 2023
ZIPLINING , which gained popularity in the jungles of Costa Rica, is well- suited for Maui, where large tracts of wild, breathtaking terrain provide the perfect backdrop for zipliners to sail through the treetops, dip into valleys and generally do…
January 24, 2023
There’s little else that says “Hawai‘i” better than a fl ower LEI — THIS GARLAND OF FLOWERS that is given upon greeting guests is a fragrant symbol of aloha . Lei can be as simple as a chain- like string…
January 24, 2023
“THE HAWAIIAN AQUARIUM”, this state-of-the-art marine park is dedicated to fostering an understanding and respect for Hawai‘i’s bountiful marine life. Its LIVING REEF exhibit features the largest collection of live coral on display in the nation, while other displays and…
February 14, 2022
With food in abundance and festivities in full swing, a lū‘au is a fun way to experience Maui’s culture of camaraderie. At the heart of this gathering is the ceremonial kālua pig. In an age-old island technique, a whole pig…
February 14, 2022
Set your gaze to the ocean horizon on Maui’s south shore, and there, about 3 miles off in the distance, you’ll spot the half-sunken cinder cone of MOLOKINI , a world-class snorkel and dive location that can be reached only…
February 14, 2022
HELICOPTER TOURS have become one of Maui’s signature attractions. Here, it is possible to lift off from a heliport, quickly bypass populated areas and, in minutes, leave civilization behind. Look down, and you’ll fi nd yourself fl ying low over…
December 15, 2014
Wannabe spelunkers, take note: Hawai‘i is one of the world’s best places for LAVA TUBES , and Hāna boasts the largest one on Maui. Even better, you don’t even have to break any laws to get there — instead, HĀNA…
December 15, 2014
SNORKELING is an inexpensive pastime that is easier to learn than surfi ng or scuba diving, and can be done either by booking a cruise or fi nding a good spot on a beach. If you go with the pros,…
December 15, 2014
Life is a journey, not a destination, and the same could be said of the ROAD TO HĀNA . With zigs and zags that travel across 56 ONE-LANE BRIDGES and snake around more than 617 HAIRPIN CURVES , this SCENIC…
December 15, 2014
Hawaiian legend has it that giant mo‘o (lizards) live in MOUNTAIN POOLS. Although swimming in the pools is OFF-LIMITS UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE, legend has it that, before going for a swim, swimmers are supposed to MAKE AN OFFERING to the…
December 15, 2014
There is a small park along Front Street in LAHAINA sheltered by an ENORMOUS BANYAN TREE , where quiet contemplation, impromptu picnics and the frequent outdoor art show are commonplace. One of the largest banyan trees in the United States,…