See Seven Sacred Pools


Hawaiian legend has it that giant mo‘o (lizards) live in MOUNTAIN POOLS. Although swimming in the pools is OFF-LIMITS UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE, legend has it that, before going for a swim, swimmers are supposed to MAKE AN OFFERING to the resident mo‘o by dropping a flower or small tree branch into the water. Ask his permission to enter, and see if the flower disappears. If it does, skip the swim—the mo‘o is warning you to stay away.

The pools of ‘OHE‘O GULCH are located off Route 31 about 10 miles past HANA. But more importantly, heed any signs that may be posted around the pools or hiking trail streams of HALEAKALA NATIONAL PARK.

Since waters can be dangerous, be sure to just admire them from dry land.

Though regularly referred to as SEVEN SACRED POOLS, there are actually more than 20 pools carved from volcanic rock and fed by ‘OHE‘O STREAM. The chain of pools is connected by picturesque WATERFALLS and short cascades. Visit for details.